Radio Script Usage

SCNP25 Radio System Usage Guidelines

The SCNP25 Radio System is a realistic and versatile communication platform utilized by various entities within the DNRP, including Civilians, Law Enforcement Officers (LEO), Fire/EMS (SAFR), Department of Transportation (DOT), and business operations. To ensure efficient and appropriate use of this system, the following rules and guidelines are established.

General Rules for Radio Usage

  1. Authorized Use Only

    • Radio sets may only be used by individuals actively representing the designated agency or purpose for the specific set.

  2. Respectful Communication

    • Users must refrain from unnecessary or disruptive transmissions. Avoid being obnoxious or occupying radio traffic without valid reasons.

  3. Prohibited Access for Civilians

    • Civilians are strictly prohibited from "tapping into" or accessing LEO or SAFR radio channels. These channels are encrypted and require authorization.

Civilian Radio Usage

Civilians have access to four distinct radio sets, each designed for specific functions. These sets facilitate communication for various civilian roles while ensuring operational integrity.

1. civops

  • Purpose:

    • Used by DOT, towing services, and security personnel.

  • Functionality:

    • Allows civilians to communicate with dispatch for DOT or tow requests.

    • Security guards can coordinate activities across worksites or different locations.

  • Monitoring:

    • These channels are monitored by Dispatch.

2. civgen

  • Purpose:

    • Functions as a general-use walkie-talkie for civilians.

  • Functionality:

    • Offers 10 short-range channels for communication during activities such as hiking trips, racing team coordination, robberies, and other events.

  • Monitoring:

    • These channels are NOT monitored by Dispatch.

3. aviation

  • Purpose:

    • Facilitates communication for air traffic control and airport ground operations.

  • Functionality:

    • Enables communication for airport workers, pilots, and emergency channels for aircraft operations.

  • Monitoring:

    • These channels are monitored by Dispatch.

4. scanner

  • Purpose:

    • Provides receive-only access for civilians to monitor specific channels.

  • Functionality:

    • Users can listen to channels such as FIRE/EMS Dispatch, INTER OPS, DOT, Tow Services, and Air Traffic Control.

    • This setup does not allow users to transmit messages.

LEO and SAFR Radio Usage

Radios designated for Law Enforcement Officers (LEO) and San Andreas Fire Rescue (SAFR) are secured and equipped with passcodes to ensure restricted access. These radios may only be used under the following conditions:

  1. Authorized Use Only

    • LEO and SAFR radios are strictly for on-duty personnel of the respective agencies.

  2. Secure Communication

    • Channels are encrypted to prevent unauthorized access and maintain operational security.

  3. Agency-Specific Access

    • Radios must not be shared or accessed by individuals outside the designated agency, including civilians.


The SCNP25 Radio System is a critical tool for maintaining clear and effective communication across various entities in the DNRP. Adherence to these guidelines ensures the system's functionality and integrity, promoting efficient operations and collaboration among all users. Non-compliance with these rules may result in disciplinary actions or restricted access to the system.

Last updated